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A Reading Junkie looking for more... A site that sometimes reviews and discusses books bought and borrowed. Interested in most fiction including kids and teen books. Driven by a need to create....paint...forge...fabricate and connect. Enjoy.
This is the book that Bobbi Brown's fans have been waiting for: her 25-plus years of makeup styling experience distilled into one complete, gorgeous book. Bobbi looks at everything from skincare basics to every aspect of facial makeup--from how to find the right color and type of foundation for any skin tone to how to apply every detail of eye makeup (Brows, Eye Liner, Eye Shadow, and Eye Lashes) no matter your eye color and shape. Of course there are never-before-seen tips on blush, bronzer, lip liners, lipstick, etc. And Bobbi looks beyond the face with informative chapters on "Hands and Feet" and "Body Skin Care." Each chapter has thorough step-by-step basic directions for makeup application and easy-to-follow photographs and line drawings, along with Bobbi's expert, yet assuring, advice. Plus, there's a groundbreaking section of the book that will be of special interest to women who've wanted to know how makeup stylists do what they do: the top beauty secrets only these artists know, essential equipment to keep on hand, how to break into the business, and how to work with photographers and celebrities.
Breathtaking photos of the finished faces-from everyday looks to exotic runway style-along with advice on putting it all together for every woman, make this a book like no other.
BOBBI BROWN'S MAKEUP MANUAL will be the only book any woman will need to look absolutely fabulous.
Eight years in the making, THE FLAVOR BIBLE is a landmark book that will inspire the greatest creations of innovative cooks and chefs by serving as an indispensable guide to creativity and flavor affinities in today's kitchen.
Cuisine is undergoing a startling historic transformation: With the advent of the global availability of ingredients, dishes are no longer based on geography but on flavor. This radical shift calls for a new approach to cooking — as well as a new genre of "cookbook" that serves not to document classic dishes via recipes, but to inspire the creation of new ones focused on imaginative and harmonious flavor combinations.
THE FLAVOR BIBLE is your guide to hundreds of ingredients along with the herbs, spices, and other seasonings that will allow you to coax the greatest possible flavor and pleasure from them. This astonishing reference distills the combined experience of dozens of America's most innovative culinarians, representing such celebrated restaurants as A Voce, Babbo, Blue Hill, Cafe Atlantico, Chanterelle, Citronelle, Gramercy Tavern, The Herbfarm, Jardiniere, Jean Georges, Le Bernardin, The Modern, Moto, and The Trellis.
You'll learn to:
* explore the individual roles played by the four basic tastes — salty, sour, bitter and sweet — and how to bring them into harmony;
* work more intuitively and effectively with ingredients by discovering which flavors have the strongest affinities for one another;
* brighten flavors through the use of acids — from vinegars to citrus juices to herbs and spices such as kaffir lime and sumac;
* deepen or intensify flavors through the layering of specific ingredients or techniques; and
* balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of cooking and serving an extraordinary meal.
Seasoned with tips, anecdotes, and signature dishes from the country's most respected chefs and pastry chefs, THE FLAVOR BIBLE is an essential book for every kitchen library.
My Thoughts
Thanks to Anna Balasi from Hachette for sending me this book to review and peruse.
It isn't a cookbook. What it is is a encyclopaedia of food ingredients like chicken or beef with traditional pairings of flavors that suit them and very untraditional ingredients that will enhance and challenge your taste buds.
This is not a book for the cooking challenged...nor does it give any type of step by step instructions or directions.... but for an experienced cook who is looking for ideas and exciting food flavors...then this is your answer.
Flavors such as basil for your traditional pesto but also basil for syrups and fruits and poured over icecream. This is an empowering resource for someone experienced in the kitchen who is looking for new ideas.
The book is set up with ingredients listed alphabetically and appropriate choices and pairings listed with each...the best bolded to allow easier experimentation.
Thank you for this invaluable resource...a beautiful book to add to my cooking library
When Beth Nonte Russell travels to China to help her friend Alex adopt a baby girl from an orphanage there, she thinks it will be an adventure, a chance to see the world. But her friend, who had prepared for the adoption for many months, panics soon after being presented with the frail baby, and the situation develops into one of the greatest challenges of Russell's life.
Russell, watching in disbelief as Alex distances herself from the child, cares for the baby -- clothing, bathing, and feeding her -- and makes her feel secure in the unfamiliar surroundings. Russell is overwhelmed and disoriented by the unfolding drama and all that she sees in China, and yet amid the emotional turmoil finds herself deeply bonding with the child. She begins to have dreams of an ancient past -- dreams of a young woman who is plucked from the countryside and chosen to be empress, and of the child who is ultimately taken from her. As it becomes clear that her friend -- whose indecisiveness about the adoption has become a torment -- won't be bringing the baby home, Russell is amazed to realize that she cannot leave the baby behind and that her dreams have been telling her something significant, giving her the courage to open her heart and bring the child home against all odds.
Steeped in Chinese culture, Forever Lily is an extraordinary account of a life-changing, wholly unexpected love.
My Thoughts
I received this book last night and read through it quite quickly. It is an easy and flowing read but I had difficulty with some parts of the book.
The dream sequences seemed out of place and certainly didn't add to the story as a memoir of adopting a child in China. If this had been a fictional tale the tie in to the reincarnation dreams might have added an intriguing layer but as part of a real life tale it just felt clumsy and as if the author was trying to add another element of interest to keep the reader's attention and to flesh out the story.
I was confused a bit about why her friend Alex was not only indecisive about wanting Lily after they arrived there but then seemed to enjoy the power struggle of denying the baby to Beth. I certainly hope that Beth didn't remain friends with her after this.
If Beth had written more about her struggles with feeling lost and empty before the process of adopting Lily...I might have felt more connected with her and more interested in her vivid dream recollections. I myself have incredible dreams and oftentimes would rather be dreaming than living my life now.
I did finish it though and maybe if there had been more editing done with the dream sequences...there wouldn't have been enough left of the book.
Because I finished it...I give it a 2 out of 5 stars.
Welcome to the Revolution!
If you’ve stumbled upon this page by mistake, it is your lucky day.
We here at the iRespect Headquarters would like to wish you a very cheerful welcome, and we hope you bookmark this page in your favourites.
What is iRespect you ask?
The iRespect Campaign is a volunteer run organization focused on spreading the seven habits of being human, and a general attitude of respect in the community and eventually the world.
The Seven Habits of Being Human:
1) Make it a habit to smile and say hello to everyone you can, even a complete stranger
2) Make it a habit to open the door for someone in need
3) Make it a habit to swear as little as possible
4) Make it a habit to clean up after yourself and your friends, and respect the environment
5) Make it a habit to not spread rumors
6) Make it a habit to not just standby and witness disrespect but rather speak up and join the revolution!
7) Make it a habit to spread these habits
Most of you already know her, but for those who don't, the power behind this entire movement is one Christine Dine. Out of her creativity and passion sprang the idea for an iRespect Campaign to slowly work on changing the world. Check out the About Us page for more info on the details of the Campaign if you are unfamiliar. The Campaign is spreading like wildfire and it's effect is being seen at Nelson and soon it will be seen in and out of the community.
Ms. Dine is a dynamic person who encourages unique thought and respectful behaviour, and should be recognized for her acheivements thus far.
Pass on the respect.